
Permission Statement

AIDpk UIDfk Fandoms Artists
3661 3 Alice - Tom Waits (Album) List
3661 3 Final Fantasy VI List
3661 3 Gate of Darkness Circle of Light - Tanya Huff List
3661 3 Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling List
3661 3 Legend of Zelda List
3661 3 My Little Pony Generation 4: Friendship Is Magic (Cartoon 2010) List
3661 3 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic List
3661 3 Sherlock Holmes (Downey films) List
3661 3 SpaceCamp (1986) List
3661 3 Star Trek RPF List

Other Fanwork Sites/Pseuds
AO3:  StarDuchess
Dreamwidth:  starduchess

Added on:  July 8, 2017
Last update:  May 18, 2023
Added/Updated by:  Rindle