Required fields for new entries:

  • Author/Artist
  • Statement URL
  • Fandoms (or your AO3 username, so I can grab them from your dashboard)
Click for full size

AO3 users, please copy/paste the entire fandom list from your dashboard in one go. That’s how I do it. Don’t worry about the (#) at the end; a macro will clear those out.

Take as long as you need to finish your inputs. To save and come back later, leave the Submit field set to No, and click OK. When you’re finished making changes, set Submit to Yes. Your inputs will be published as soon as possible. Please be patient, though, as the database geek (“That’s me, by the way. Hello.” – Sherlock) will be doing this work in her free time, i.e., weekends.

Note that clicking Cancel, Previous, or Next without saving first will cause your changes to be lost. To save, click OK, save and close, or Apply, save without closing.

If you have questions, Twitter is the easiest way to reach me.
