Fanwork Permission Statements List
The FPS List is a fan-run, multifandom database of authors and artists who have posted Blanket Permission (BP) statements. These statements give other people the freedom to create fanworks inspired by their works, such as podfic, remixes, fanart, translations, and other types of transformative works.
Authors with BP are added to the list as their statements are discovered. The database grows over time as new permission statements are found. If you’d like to submit a new name, you can use this Google Sheet. Community contributions are always welcome! Forms and tutorials are also in development to allow you to add new names here on the site.
The FPS List was created to connect authors who welcome transformative fanworks with fans eager to make them. It started as a personal project by a podficcer browsing AO3 profiles and has since expanded with help from the wider fanwork community.
Yes, of course. Simply reach out using the Contact form or leave a note on the Google Sheet. Removal requests are regularly reviewed and promptly addressed.
Volunteers browse AO3 to add statements to the list. It’s likely your statement hasn’t been spotted yet. With a million AO3 users, and thousands of FPS List entries, there’s a long way to go. If you’d like to be added, please share a link to your statement on this Google Sheet.
You can keep it simple by writing “transformative works welcome” on your AO3 profile. To craft a more detailed statement, check out the Fanworks Permission Statement Builder by flamingwell. This tool walks you through the process with choose-your-own-adventure style questions.
No, only BP statements are included. If your policy is “ask first” or “no permissions,” you’re welcome to clarify that on your AO3 profile, but only creators with BP are included on the FPS List.
You can browse Fandoms or Authors/Artists, or install the Blanket Permission Highlighter (a browser extension for AO3), created by BrickGrass. The extension highlights creators from this database in green as you browse AO3.
The FPS List is maintained by Rindle, Jocunda Sykes, and EmotionalSupportDemon (aka DevilWithABirdDress), with support and contributions from from the wider podfic/fanwork community.
Our Team


Jocunda Sykes

Communications Officer
Hello, Fellow Blanket Permission Enthusiasts!
We are excited to introduce ourselves as the new team of maintainers for the FPS List, dedicated to managing the blanket permission database for our little corner of fandom.
We are committed to maintaining the integrity and growth of the database while fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all of you. Whether you’re here to submit new bp statements or to browse the list for your next creation, we want you to have a smooth and enjoyable experience.
Thank you for being a part of this incredible community!
Special Guest
BrickGrass (George) is the creator of the BP Highlighter browser extension that pulls from the FPS List of authors & artists and highlights them on AO3. For that, he has the thanks of a grateful podfic nation. *\o/*